Cybersecurity Resources Around the Web

Article author
Michael Kaiser
  • Updated

There are a ton of great organizations with tremendous resources to help you learn more and do more to be cyber secure.  DDC encourages everyone to take a look at what's out there and to continually engage in keeping current in the space.


National Cybersecurity Center- National Cybersecurity Center (NCC) is a nonprofit for cyber innovation and awareness. Based in Colorado Springs, CO with a national and GLOBAL Mission. One of NCC's core programs is Cybersecurity for State leaders. NCC's Cybersecurity for State Leaders Training helpings State Elected Officials better understand the issues and protect themselves.


Cyber Readiness Institute -The Cyber Readiness Institute (CRI) is an initiative that convenes business leaders from across sectors and geographic regions to share resources and knowledge that inform the development of free cybersecurity tools for small and medium-sized businesses. Many of their tools and much of their information is relevant to campaigns and organizations in the political space.


Global Cyber Alliance :The Global Cyber Alliance (GCA) is an international, cross-sector effort dedicated to reducing cyber risk and improving our connected world. GCA has many toolkits including for protecting journalists and elections.


Critical Infrastructure and Security Agency -(CISA), US Department of Homeland Security. CISA is the Federal Agency working on cybersecurity in the public and private sectors. CISA has a a wealth of information from the basics to highly technical, including their Cyber Essentials project and information about current threats.


The No More Ransom Project -is a collaborative effort between the public and private sectors to address ransomware. If you do get infected with ransomware, the site has tools to attempt to decrypt the files that have been locked. 


FBI: Protected Voices: The Protected Voices FBI initiative aims to mitigate the risk of cyber influence operations targeting U.S. elections. The link below provides informative videos crucial to campaigns. The topics range from protecting passwords to social engineering threats to what to do if you think you’ve been hacked.


Center for Democracy and Technology:The CDT has written a helpful breakdown to compare “Traditional volunteers” with “Technical volunteers” while highlighting the importance of using civic-minded community members with technical skills to support experience both on Election Day and beyond. see: Election Officials Toolkit for Technical Volunteers and Infosec Toolkit for Election Volunteering


Center for Internet Security: Through a best practices approach, the CIS aims to help organizations involved in elections better understand what to focus on, how to prioritize and parse the enormous amount of guidance available on protecting IT-related systems, and engage in additional collaboration to address common threats to this critical aspect of democracy.

National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS): NASS has a Cybersecurity initiative and committee. They maintain a cybersecurity resources and briefing section on their website. 


Belfer Center Defending Digital Democracy Project: The Defending Digital Democracy Project aims to develop strategies, tools, and recommendations to protect democratic processes and systems from cyber and information attacks. The project's resources include: Cybersecurity Campaign Playbook  and The State and Local Election Cybersecurity Playbook.


National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST): The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is a valuable resource for organizations of any size looking to build their cybersecurity. In simple terms it lays out how to address cybersecurity through a lens of risk management.


USC Election Cybersecurity Initiative: USC's initiative includes regional workshops and  a blog.


Canadian Centre for Cybersecurity: The Canadian Centre for Cyber Security prepared this guide to assist campaign teams across Canada in the lead up to elections at the federal, provincial, territorial, and municipal levels. 


Trend Micro, and AV company, has some free tools worth checking out their Check Now web extension helps identify dis and misinformation sites and they have other free tools that can help you identify malware and other threats, see devices attached to your network, and improve performance all can be found here 






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